Revitalise You - short cut to manage stress, anxiety, pressure and uncertainty

Personal Development, Communication  
Wellington, Wellington City  
Delivery Style:
One on one  
Lynnette Chadwick  
Price in NZ$ :
589.00 per Term  

You can deal with uncertainty, worry, anxiety as it occurs by using intervention and prevention techniques to shorten the time you feel stressed. Learn techniques to transform fight/flight and enjoy increase energy, joy, rejuvenating sleep and motivation. Take the guilt out of parenting, the drain out of mis-communication and enjoy more connected relationships. Clarity of thought is a by product also having shifted out of fight and flight you can think optimally, focus, problem solve and access your intuition and memory. Take charge in the moment with effective techniques that you can measure with bio-feedback. Simple techniques that you are supported to integrate into your daily life over 6 weeks. "Life Changing!" is the most common response I receive. By taking two steps 1. deciding and 2. doing a little enjoyable practice sincerely you can get underway and start experiencing instant benefits to create more calm and contentment. $686+GST waged / $512+GST conc