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1139 Courses found

Drug and Alcohol Testing
We provide Drug and Alcohol Testing Service
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Drug and Alcohol Testing
We provide Drug and Alcohol Testing Service
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Early Childhood Education STAR and Gateway Programme
To start students off with their ECE studies, PORSE has grouped relevant unit standards into packages – each package contains three unit standards. While making it easier for schools to choose a programme for their students, schools will also receive a discount by purchasing each student a package rather than...
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Electrical Workers Basic First Aid & CPR

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Emerge Preparation for Employment
I work one to one with clients preparing everything you need to feel confident going into employment. From your CV to cover letters, Interview skills, employment and/ or study targets, and motivation, my aim is to encourage and enable your independence, and where possible, help place you into employment.
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Employment Placement Service
Finding a job can be a difficult task if you have been injured or are returning to the work force after a long period of time off work. Alpha is not a recruitment company, but if you are in receipt of a benefit from Work and Income we may be...
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Employment Placement Service
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Employment Placement Service
Our Employment Placement Service is your 6 week fast track to employment!
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Employment Placement Service
We will help you: Create a CV Job Search Apply for jobs Develop interview Skills Refer you to employers Help you get work experience Help you find paid employment
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Employment Placement Service (Whakarite Mahi)
This is an employment placement and support service funded by MSD to help registered job seekers gain and stay in employment or higher education. We support you to seek employment and help you to achieve your goals.
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